Platform is a leverage play

I was recently a guest on the copasetic Ship It! podcast, which is one of my favorite shows from the amazingly prolific folks at Changelog! Autumn, Justin, and I discussed the value of Platform Engineering, various lessons learned from my experience at Netflix ranging from the challenge of technology evolution, infrastructure migrations, saying no, and the importance of empathy when working with stakeholders. Plus, we talked about Productivity Engineering, how one measures productivity, and much, much more. Give it a listen!
Ship It! 96: Productivity engineering at Netflix – Listen on
It was groovy chatting with Justin and Autumn; what’s more, I’m super excited that the Ship It! podcast has spun back up. Autumn and Justin bring fresh new perspectives and a renewed energy to the discussion about all the things that happen after git push
. Be sure to subscribe to Ship It! along with Changelog's other podcasts like Practical AI and, of course, the stalwart podcast that started it all: The Changelog.
I'd love for you to listen to the show and, of course, if you have any feedback, please let me know! Dig it?